beauty tips

on Friday, November 16, 2012
we ( the girls) want to look beautiful and attractive all the time, but in order to make that we need a lots of money to but the good products for our hair and face and body.
there are many tricks ad tips that you can do for cheap to look like celebrties
1- the first think to do is drink lots of water because water is so good for our skin and hair

2- eat healthy and by that i meen eat organic and balance food as vegetebales and fruits, and in our meals make sure that you have lots of protines and good supplements on it. i recommend you to drink orange fresh juice and salade and milk and eggs
3- use ingredients from your kitchen to exfoliate or nutrichen your skin, i will give you some homemade masks and recipe which can help you with that
strawberry facial
strawberry is so good for your skin and it makes your face so smooth and fresh and all your gonna do is bring 2 strawberry and match in a bol then put it in your face and leave it for 10min then gentlly massage your face and wash it with worm water

olive oil  for hair 
olive oil is the best thing for your hair, he makes your hair shinny and healthy and also he makes it grow faster. how to apply it!! you take some olive oil and put it in your hair form scalp to ends and make a bun and rub your hair with plastic bag and leave it for 1 hour then wash your har twice with a shampoo.
do it onece a week and in 2 months you will see the big diffrents in your hair type


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